ビール中のグリホサートとGMO? -アメリカ中のお母さん



Germans are serious about the quality of their beer. While there are countless beer brands, the level of quality is not the same for every brewer.

A recent study by ÖKO-TEST (the German equivalent of Consumer Reports) found trace amounts of glyphosate in beer for 12 of the 50 German beer brands they tested. Only the organic brands showed no detectable levels. 

You can read details from the ÖKO-TEST study here, but it's in German, so you might need a translation tool like Google Translate. Keep reading here as we analyze the findings. 

Meanwhile, in July of 2020, a second Canadian grain processor restricted the processing of oats sprayed with glyphosate as a desiccant (drying agent)  in their facilities due to the impaired quality of the oats. The presence of glyphosate in beer, made with various grains often sprayed with glyphosate as a desiccant, would indicate a potential decrease in the quality of the product.




ÖKO-TEST criticizes the weed killer, correctly blaming it for being partly responsible for the death of bees and insects. The main reason they criticize the residue of the weed killer is that it harms biodiversity. The Cancer Agency of the World Health Organization (IARC) classified glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic to humans." The European Chemicals Agency ECHA could not or did not want to confirm this.





In Germany, glyphosate is still by far the most commonly sprayed herbicide. Above all, the harmful consequences to the environment have recently come more and more into focus for Germans. 


There are plans to phase out the use of Glyphosate by the end of 2022. So it makes sense that the German beer industry is working on removing it from its supply chains. This is confirmed by statements from the German Brewers' Association.


Click here to read more about our findings.


BNNブルームバーグの新しい記事、 遺伝子組み換えビールは、GMO受け入れのためのアルゼンチンの十字軍の次の段階である、と述べています。遺伝子組み換え小麦を食べるように世界を説得しようとしているアルゼンチンのBioceresCropSolutions Corp.(米国上場企業)は、ブエノスアイレスのクラフトビールメーカーRabietaと、史上初のGMラガーを醸造するために交渉中です。」

GMOのこの潜在的な進歩は、何十年もの間抵抗されてきました。 GMO小麦は広く拒否されています。

The article acknowledges this resistance, "While the vast majority of the world’s soybean and corn crops are already GMOs, these are largely fed to livestock. On the other hand, Biotech wheat would be directly eaten by humans in bread and pasta, something consumers and regulators have rejected in the past."


While this gene-edited wheat is being promoted as drought-tolerant, the potential approval of GMO wheat would open the flood gates for endless possibilities of genetic modifications, which could include not only off-target RNA and DNA mutations, as has been shown in preliminary gene-edited organism testing, but also the tolerance to toxic chemicals such as glyphosate, glufosinate, Dicamba, 2,4-D and others. In addition to introducing potentially harmful technology and chemicals, GMO wheat poses an enormous and inevitable risk of contamination of non-GMO wheat crops, impacting the eco-system, quality, and potentially international trade.

The presence of glyphosate in German beer (as well as US beer as previously detected in numerous tests) and the possibility of GMOs in beer have many consumers wondering ...why mess with something that isn't broken? Why allow toxins in a brew that millions worldwide have enjoyed for generations? Why try to "improve" on a product that can be made from various grains? Why not focus energy on reducing climate change in the first place?



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    このページを公開しました ブログ 2022-05-24 11:21:55 -0400

