Zen Honeycutt著、ママズアクロスアメリカ
This time a new study from UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center and Chiba University Center for Forensic Mental Health, Chiba, Japan, found that maternal exposure to high levels of glyphosate herbicide produced by Bayer/Monsanto, caused autism symptoms in young male rats.
The effects of glyphosate herbicide clearly impacted the gut microbiota, and showed that enzyme activity, after glyphosate exposure, was higher in certain parts of the organs. “Soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) in the brain of offspring after maternal glyphosate herbicide exposure was higher than controls.” Prevention was shown to be possible, however. Treating orally with an sEH inhibitor for the production of those enzymes from pregnancy to weaning prevented the onset of the autism-like behaviors after maternal exposure, showing a significant finding of causation and prevention.
Previous animal studies have also shown a disturbance of the gut bacteria with glyphosate herbicide exposure. The disturbance of the gut microbiota is significant and has been repeatedly connected with behavioral and learning disabilities in animals and humans.��
米国では、 6人に1人 子供には学習障害があり、 5人に1人 子供たちは精神疾患を抱えて生活しています。によって予測されます 2025、すべての子供の分 現在のレートで続行すると、自閉症と診断されます。
These alarming trends correlate with the increased use of glyphosate in agriculture. Over 70 percent of the glyphosate that has ever been used (3.5 billion pounds) has been used in the past ten years. A large portion of that use was as a drying agent on wheat, peas, beans, and grains used in animal feed. Glyphosate does not wash, dry, or cook-off and has been found in thousands of foods, animal feed, and beverage samples, air and water.
In today’s society where a mother can be exposed to over 2400 ppb of glyphosate herbicide residue in a day’s consumption of food, and glyphosate can also be found in breastmilk, water, soil, and vaccines, it’s hard to determine how exactly how much of the chemical is being absorbed by the body.
In fact, food testing has shown 1000 ppb of glyphosate in wheat, garbanzo beans and other foods made of grain. Glyphosate levels in eggs have exceeded FDA levels of 1.67 ppb. Glyphosate has also been found in peas, beans, bagels, cereal, oatmeal, wine, beer, and sanitary products.
Vaccines are also a likely source of glyphosate exposure with residue findings between 2.67-3.4 ppb in one MMR vaccine. It is believed that glyphosate is contaminating vaccines through gelatin (an ingredient in vaccines), which is made from the tendons of pigs that have consumed glyphosate sprayed grains. In fact, direct injection of a “low” level of glyphosate into the bloodstream could have the same effect as a “high” level of glyphosate exposure through occupational or environmental exposure -- there simply aren’t enough safety studies to determine one way or the other, therefore, precautionary measures are crucial.
Glyphosate has also been shown to break down the blood brain barrier, allowing toxins, like aluminum, into the brain. Aluminum, an ingredient in many vaccines, has been found at higher levels in the brains of children with 自閉症 and Alzheimer patients.
While flu shots are increasingly promoted to pregnant women, it is abundantly clear, even admitted by the FDA, that the that safety and efficacy studies of vaccines in pregnant women are lacking. In researching this topic, my colleagues and I at Moms Across America requested through the Freedom of Information Act, any studies showing the safety of administering a flu vaccine to pregnant women. The FDA responded that there are no studies available.
今日のパンデミックを考えると、不思議に思う必要があります—新しいCOVID- 19ワクチンで、グリホサートに汚染されていないことを確認するためのテストがありますか?安全性試験なしで妊婦に昇格しますか?
メーカーによっては安全性を確保するだけでは不十分です。バイエル/モンサントは、グリホサートは無害に体を通過すると主張しましたが、 以前の研究 見つけた グリホサートを噴霧した穀物飼料を摂取した動物の組織、骨髄、腱で検出されたリホサート残留物。この新しい研究は、この流行している除草剤の無害性に対する懐疑的な見方を強め、危険な化学物質の使用を禁止するための政府の即時行動を求めています。 製造業者、農民、庭師、造園家はその使用を中止します。
Until then, avoiding vaccination before or while pregnant, eating organic and gardening organically will support lower levels of exposure. Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kombucha and apple cider vinegar have shown to contain a bacterium called acetobacter, which has, in soil, shown to break apart glyphosate into non-toxic components. Consumption of these items on a daily basis could help.
Ultimately, one thing is clear, the sale, use, and contamination by glyphosate herbicides should no longer be tolerated. It is unacceptable for the United States to allow the continued use of a chemical herbicide that is a major contributing factor of the rise of autism - projected to be one out of two children in 15 years. The future of our country is at stake and glyphosate is something we can no longer afford to ignore.
To ask Bayer to retire Roundup and glyphosate herbicides immediately, click here.
Also, listen to UNSTOPPABLE, episode 52 which addresses this issue.
日本スピーキングツアーからのレポート、3月 1-10
Zen Honeycutt著、ママズアクロスアメリカ
3月 21,2017
私は日本に行ってアメリカの母親の仕事について話をし、母親に遺伝子組み換え作物と毒素の健康上のリスクを警告して、彼らがそれらを避けることを期待した。アジアの食生活を考えると、彼らの健康は私たちの健康よりもはるかに良いと確信しました。日本人、韓国人、フィリピン人の子供の健康問題がアメリカの子供をはるかに上回っていことを知ってショックを受けました。 500-800を超えるお母さんが、5の場所のそれぞれでプレゼンテーションのために集まりました。そこで、なぜ群衆がそんなに大きいのかを学びました。
Japanese children have developmental delays 2x higher than the US. Korean children have autism and developmental delays 2-3x higher. According to the Autism Speaks of Philippines, at least 1 million, or 1 out of 33 children in the Philippines had been diagnosed with autism in 2014 (more without healthcare are likely to have symptoms), which is far worse than our current 1 out of 68 children. I was crushed. I was Angry. I was Outraged.
One of the most important interviews I have ever conducted for understanding the root cause of the health crisis in America was with マット・バックリー博士 on 1月 12, 2015.
GMOs, genetically modified organisms were put in our food, unlabeled in 1996 and are now in 85% of America's food through corn, soy, sugar, cotton seed oil, canola oil, some squash and Hawaiin Papaya. Genetically modified foods are either genetically engineered to BE a pesticide and when the bug eats the crop, it's stomach explodes. BT GMO corn is registered with the EPA as a pesticide. OR GMOs are genetically engineered to WITHSTAND herbicides, so that the crops can be sprayed and all the weeds will die but our food will not. The problem is that the chemicals do not dry off, wash off or cook off as was once believed. We eat them.
The most widely used herbicide in the word is Roundup which contains glyphosate. Glyphosate is now considered a generic chemical and is used in over 1600 products world wide and hundreds of million of pounds are used in the USA. There was a 73% increase of the use of Roundup in 2013 alone. This is attributed to two things, 1) the crops have developed resistance and farmers are sparaying more chemicals earlier and more often to reduce the weeds. 2) Agriculture journals are recommending farmers spray Roundup ( glyphosate) as a drying agent at harvest, to speed up the harvesting process. They spray non GMO, non organic crops such as wheat, legumes, peas, beans, tea, sugar and more. Glyphosate is also sprayed pre harvest and many crops such as beries and potatoes absorb glyphosate. You can see the complete list of allowable levels of glyphosate on our food and feed crops at EPA List of Allowed Levels of Glyphosate on 160 Food Crops
For more information on glyphosate, which a a patented antibiotic (weakens immune system), chelator (vitamin and mineral deficiency) and endocrine disruptor (infertility, sterility, micarriages and birth defects), go to our Data page.
19:00 周辺バックリーは説明します:
Recent studies showed that glyphosate destroys the beneficial gut bacteria and allows the pathogenic bacteria to thrive. Glyphosate in our food and gut equals and increase of bad bacteria, especially clostridium botulinum infections.
The pathogenic bacteria overgrowth...and die off..releases waste products (what makes you feel sick) and the lipopolysaccarides released by pathogenic bacteria is a known agent to break down intestines. When the lining of intestine is broken down this allows the lippopolysaccarides to enter the blood stream which alarms the immune system. The immune system then releases interlucken 1B a Cytocon. When this occurs on periperphary of body, that signal is transmitted through the vegus nerve from the gut to the brain.
This signals the immune cells of the brain, the microglia, to also secrete their own interleukin 1 B and glutamate in the brain and spinal cord. Glutamate is an excitotoxin and destroys neurons. This type of damage in the brain and immune system is being shown to be a major factor in all neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer's, Autism, anxiety, depression, Parkison's, MS; and if it happens in the spinal cord this appears to be a major factor in ALS. Read more in his blog here.
Dr. Buckely recommends an organic Paleolithic diet,which is primarily vegetables,seeds, meat, fish, and small amounts of fruit, while excluding grains, dairy, starchy carbs or sugar, which feed the pathogenic bacteria. He agrees that adding raw organic sauerkraut (good bacteria) will offset the bad bacteria and help heal the gut, provided fungal overgrowth isn't excessive. My family eats 1-2 tablespoons of raw organic sauerkraut every day. Probiotic supplements also restore gut health but I reminded the audience in the video that many probiotic companies buy their probiotics from Dianesco which was bought out by Dupont (Dupont also makes the pesticides/herbicides sprayed on our crops, so they have a perfect profit circle). So make sure to ask before you buy.
医師と健康の専門家は、人類の健康と生存の鍵は腸内細菌叢であることに同意します。健康な腸内細菌叢がなければ、病気になり、必要以上に早く死んでしまう可能性があります。それはまた、精神的健康の鍵でもあります...健康的な決断、関係、そして人生や国としての私たちの可能性の実現。 Moms Across Americaは、誰もがあなたの食べ物に目を向けるよう要求しています。
Are you eating as organic as possible? Good budgeting can result less expensive, more healthy meals by eating organic at home! (One source of support is a book called " 15 minute Healthy, Organic Meals for Less than $10 a Day")
Are you adding in good bacteria via feremented (cultured) foods with every meal? Raw organic saurkraut, organic yogurt or keifer, organic miso, organic kimchi or keifer water soda are the best sources of probiotics.
Are you diminishing the overgrowth of bad bacteria? Eliminating sugar and carbs upon which bad bacteria thrive restores your gut flora and improves your health.
1) Host a GMO Movie night or Cultured Food Party and empower your friends and neighbors.
3) Host a Moms Meetup 5月 2, 2015 and help cause a billion dollar shift to organic.
The endocrine disrupting properties of glyphosate can lead to neurological disorders (learning disabilities (LD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), 自閉症, dementia, Alzheimer's,schizophrenia and bipolar disorder). Those most susceptible are children and the elderly.
To see the full article on neurological disorders The Examiner click here.
For Swanson's article on the examiner:http://www.examiner.com/article/mounting-evidence-that-gmo-crops-can-cause-infertility-and-birth-defects
2013 Argentina:
Dr Medardo Vasquez is a neonatal specialist at the Children's Hospital in Cordoba. "I see
new-born infants, many of who are malformed. I have to tell parents that their children are
dying because of these agricultural methods. In some areas in Argentina the primary cause of
death for children less than one year old are malformations." Fritz Kreiss: News Report
Sunday 17 3月 2013
For the Rosemary Mason "Glyphosate: Destructor of Human Health" paper showing numerous health issue correlations click here.
この相関関係とさらなる決定的な研究についての認識は、今日のCDCとAAPの最優先事項です。 FDAとEPAは仕事をし、アメリカの健康を守る必要があります!
Sign our Petition today! Click here
Earlier this week the parents of the girl who died from a peanut allergy, even though her father was a doctor and injected her with three epi pens, spoke out and asked for the system to do something about allergies. The system failed them.
The mothers of babies with 4-8 X more anacephaly, ( warning image is disturbing) severe brain birth defects, in Washington state, who are downstream from the orchards sprayed with glyphosate, are not speaking up. Their grief and struggle may be too great.They may not have any idea how severely the system is failing them.
If you have read any of our previous blogs about glyphosate, GMOs, autism, allergies, stomach ulcers, cancer, IBS and skyrocketing other illnesses, you know where this is headed. You may say that we can't blame everything on GMOs and/or glyphosate, but as a mother, for me, the correlation is clear. The autistic boy's behavior, thrashing and biting, was according to his mother, believed to be due to gastric pain. Her suspicions were confirmed when gastric specialist discovered that he had hundreds of lesions in his stomach, just like the pigs who ate GMO feed and also behaved erratically. We know now that GMO feed has this same effect on pigs: inflammation and lesions on their stomachs and fighting and biting. Scientists also know that pigs have very similar digestive systems to humans. See the pig study by Dr. Judy Carman, Howard Vlieger and other scientists here.
But not once in the news piece do they address WHY are these lesions on his stomach. Not once do they look to his food. For most of us mothers of children with allergies, autism, asthma or auto immune diseases, WHY these symptoms are occurring is not something most of our western medical doctors address. They only prescribe medicine to alleviate the pain. They do not know why. The system fails to ask and it fails to act.
お母さんが尋ねて、子供や私たち自身がグリホサートの検査を受けるように行動しようとすると、ラボは検査を行いません。彼らは「彼らはそのテストをしない」と言う。 「GMO外来タンパク質」のテストを依頼しても同じ反応が得られると想像できます。しかし、特にこの1年、子供の病気の世話をするためにたくさんの本を読んだ私のようなお母さんにとっては、不必要でさえありません。
We need to support our millions of American Moms who are struggling every day and let them know about GMOs and Glyphosate as well. We need to support them. We can call, meet with and email our friends with kids with autism, allergies, auto immune diseases and asthma. Ask them to watch Anthony Samsels's interview on autism and the glyphosate link and watch Howard Vlieger's DVD on how GMOs affect pigs. Listen to his radio interview with Melinda Hemmellgam here.
We need to share how important it is to eat organic and non GMO. We Moms see our children's allergy, autism, autoimmune disorder and asthma symptoms improve in a matter of days or weeks after eating organic and non GMO. Click here for testimonials.This and many other horrific tragedies are avoidable, they did not and do not need to continue to happen. We must eat organic and non GMO.
To share with your community, host a World Food Day Community Outreach Week 10月 12-19th, get free flyers, give them to your local supporters and you all just hand them out during the week everywhere as you run your errands or together on the weekend.
When Anthony Samsel of the Samsel and Seneff study on Glyphosate and Modern diseases http://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/15/4/1416 agreed to allow me to interview him, something told me to get a hustle on and drive to his nearby home state as soon as possible. After hours on remote winding roads and towns so small that if you sneezed, you'd miss them, I was skeptical about the level of validity I would find. Would someone so brilliant live in the middle of nowhere?
到着すると、美しい花、ハーブ、菜園、大きな温室、そしてベース、チェロ、2つのグランドピアノ(そして孫のための3分の1)を備えた豪華な音楽室がありました。 2階の音楽録音スタジオで遺伝子工学に関する最新の大学の教科書が山積みになっているのを見て、彼が読んだことを認め、すべての要素を壁に掛けて、しばらく話を聞いた...私は非常に有効で輝かしい精神、おそらくは天才の存在下にいたと伝えてください。彼がこのエリアを選んだのは、それが遠隔地だからだと私は知っていました。彼は主に研究し、健康上の問題を抱えている妻の世話をし、音楽を演奏し、一日中庭を書き、世話をします。彼は、自分のジャガイモとニンジンを10か月分育てた(後で理解できるだろう...私の最後のブログでビデオクリップをて、あなたもそうするだろう)と言い、自分の食べ物をルートセラーに入れて保管する。彼は真剣に学び、生きることを愛する人です。彼は妻と家族を崇拝し、世界に貢献することに情熱を傾けています。
What he has to say I not only believe because he has studied more studies on the subject than I could or would in a lifetime, (see his 43 page paper which is a mere section of his research results) but because I have met him and I could sense in my bones that this is a man who cares more about the future of our children and planet than himself. He is hacked daily and there has been a surveillance black box padlocked and chained to the pole out side his house. There are people who would like to stop him from sharing what he knows, but they will not succeed. He is committed to people knowing the truth and he has absolutely no reason to fabricate anything. He has no need for money or attention. He has everything he wants. He only wants health for his family and our planet. He is a man of facts and science.
By feeding our children 31.5 million GMO school meals a DAY, even more hospital and senior center meals, by eating the 160 foods that are contaminated with glyphosate, click here for the list , by eating the 80% of our fast, cheap, easy and tasty food that is GMO and therefore heavily doused in glyphosate, and contaminated at levels thousands of times higher than what has been shown to cause breast cancer....we are creating this. Chips, soda,french fries, corn tortillas, candy, snacks, cookies, breakfast cereal...anything with corn, soy, sugar, wheat, high fructose corn syrup and hundreds more ingredients, are 80-90% likely to be contaminated with glyphosate and contributing to this disaster of a health crisis we are experiencing in America. To add insult to injury, the EPA just raised the allowable levels of glyphosate despite thousands of comments against this pandering to big chemical companies. They raised the levels of pesticides and herbicides in our food crops simply because big chemical companies ask them to. And we accept this...not on purpose...but when we don't speak up...when we don't demand otherwise and cause change...we allow this to...we are creating this too...
今日何か他のものを作成するために行動を起こしてください...アメリカで健康と自由を作成します。あなたの故郷でイベントを開催してください。これは、今日のママズアクロスアメリカの地図に追加してください... GMOフリーティー、またはポットラックまたはGMOフリームービーナイト... )および160非有機食用作物。これは受け入れられないからです。ママとサポーターはこれを支持しません。これをやめます。しかし、最初にみんなに知ってもらう必要があります。全国の数字が必要になります。数字を上げて、知り合いと共有してください。私たちはアメリカの未来を守るものでなければなりません。
P.S. Part 2 of the Samsel interview here.
- お母さんは検閲を受け、自閉症や遺伝子組み換え作物の兆候を示している子供たちの写真を共有するためにFacebookを開始しました。
- MomはFBの自閉症とGMOへのリンクの証拠について共有しており、彼女のハードドライブは繰り返し消去されます。
- ママは血液/尿サンプルを研究室に送って毒素の検査を受けますが、モンサントは化学物質の特許を所有しているため、化学物質について自分の血液を検査することさえできないと言われます。
ラウンドアップ(グリホサート)は何ですか? :新しい研究
Journal of Environmental Protection, 2012, 3, 1001-1003 doi:10.4236/jep.2012.39115 Published Online 9月 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jep) 1001
Not only is it sprayed on the soil, the chemical is drawn into it root system and plant, it is also now being sprayed に the GMO plant in ever increasing doses and it is absorbed into every cell of the plant. It's called "Roundup Ready”. The problem is, that means it is in our food, potentially for 14 years plus, it cannot be washed off, and the food is not labeled.
The family in the study lived 1.5 miles away from their fields that were sprayed with Roundup. The father would spray the fields, come home and wash his hands thoroughly, but not take a shower. Apparently he hugged his children, because the levels of glyphosate found in their urine were far above what has shown to be toxic in animals. The glyphosate level in the father's urine was 9.5 ppm and the children's was 2 ppm. It is scientifically documented that infertility is caused by glyphosate at .5 ppm and endocrine disruption (which causes birth defects) is caused by glyphosate at .2 ppm.
"Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases" states that glyphosate residues have been found primarily in corn, sugar, soy and wheat. Good God, that is practically in everything all of us eat!
For the full report ( which is 48 pages long and too big of a file for my site) go to www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy
* Roundupはモンサントの登録商標です