生殖補助医療 (ART) に挑戦する前に、妊孕性へのホリスティックなアプローチをとることで、時間、お金、心痛を節約できます。
Beginning to optimize our bodies even just a few months before trying to conceive will greatly improve our chances of not only getting pregnant, but also of having robust, smart children, smoother pregnancies, and an easier postpartum period. However, what we do to our bodies years before we get pregnant – what we put in them, on them, or put them through – can play a huge part in the betterment or detriment of our own health, the health of our offspring, and the health of the earth.
Instead of forcing hormones into specific ranges to achieve pregnancy, we must ask why our hormones are imbalanced in the first place. Again, nutrient deficiencies, toxins, and oxidative stress sling wrenches in all the systems in our bodies, including those that control energy production and hormonal balance (i.e., stress/thyroid/reproductive).
私たちの体は、生殖するために栄養資源を必要とします。ママに栄養不足がある場合、成長中の胎児はどこからそれらを摂取するのでしょうか? 栄養不足は、誰かがバランスの取れた食事を食べていても発生する可能性があります.私たちの土壌は以前ほど栄養素が豊富ではないため、そこで育つ食物もそうではありません.食品を加工すると栄養素が失われます。一般的な腸の問題の膨大な数は、栄養素を吸収して同化する体の能力にも影響を与えます.一部の人々は、遺伝的に特定の栄養素を他の栄養素と同様に輸送または利用しない傾向があります.
私たちの体は、生殖にもエネルギーを必要とします (そして、そのエネルギーを作るには栄養素が必要です!)。体に警報を発するストレッサーがあると、体はエネルギーを使って「戦うか逃げるか」反応を維持し、赤ちゃんを作るのに良い時期ではないというメッセージが生殖器系に送られます.私たちの体は、出産するのに安全な時期であると感じるために、「休息、消化、修復」状態にある必要があります.体が危険やストレスを感じると、エネルギーと資源を節約するために交尾能力をシャットダウンします。
FGF gets to the root causes of reproductive issues using genetic interpretation, functional lab testing and a meticulous intake session that covers past and present conditions in all areas of diet, lifestyle and environment. It will help you to identify nutrient deficiencies, sources of oxidative stress, and which toxins are burdening the body as well as which detoxification pathways may need some assistance.
There are even functional lab tests that can assess how well mitochondria are making energy (ATP). Oxidative stress damages mitochondria. Mitochondrial efficiency is essential for creating offspring. Fun fact: it is only the mother that passes on mitochondrial DNA to the child. We want to make sure it is in good working order!
私がよく行う機能検査には、尿有機酸検査、包括的ホルモンの乾燥尿検査 (DUTCH)、および最適な機能レベル (広範な「正常な」レベルとは対照的に) 内で観察されるルーチンの血液検査があります。 )。
Functional Genomic Nutritionは非常にパーソナライズされているため、数字のように感じたり、誰かが他の人々のために働いたからといって、誰かが自分の不妊治療プロトコルをあなたに当てはめようとしているように感じることは決してありません.
The process of FGF exposes what’s causing your alarm to sound. This could be, for instance, an “unwelcome guest” flying under the radar in your body (viruses, fungal overgrowth, parasites, etc), blood sugar issues (which is very common, even in those without any symptoms), or exposure to xenoestrogens (hormone mimickers) found in plastics, pesticides, and other commonplace items. Your genetic report can shine a bright light on genetic predispositions that can cause said stressors, while functional lab testing can allow us to know if those genetic variants are expressing and if so, to what degree.
Time is a critically important factor for people that want to achieve a successful pregnancy. FGF can help save time and money by cutting through much of the guesswork. Even if clients got all the lab tests necessary to get a full picture of what the root cause/s could be, it would cost far less than one cycle of IVF, all while getting their body more nourished, improving its detoxification abilities and energy production, turning off the chronic fight-or-flight response and improving the potential of having healthy children.
BIO: Jaclyn is a Functional Genomic Nutrition Consultant that has a passion for fertility optimization and reproductive wellness. She works with her clients to determine why hormones are imbalanced to begin with and to create personalized plans of action based on genetics, health history, diet/lifestyle, and biochemistry. Jaclyn has a BS in Psychology from Drexel University. She is a researcher and practitioner with the NutriGenetic Research Institute. She can be contacted through her website, JaclynDowns.com.
Almost everyone has heard of Roundup, the world's number one weed killer. Hundreds of millions of pounds are used every year in the USA alone. Globally, the active chemical ingredient glyphosate is sold in over 750 products by numerous chemical companies. It is sprayed on sidewalks, streets, along the sides of roads, on school playgrounds and city parks. It is also sprayed on the soil of our crops fields as a burndown before planting, on 80% of the genetically modified foods which are engineered to withstand Roundup, and as a desiccant (drying agent) on non-organic crops such as sugar, wheat, barley, dried peas, and beans.
Note: the glyphosate content of this product of Roundup ( average for sale in hardware stores) is 1%. Syngenta's product Traxion is 44.9% glyphosate and is used as a burndown on the soil in which grains are planted. This is extremely toxic. Canada is the primary source of grains for the USA cereals, beer barely, and animal feed. 400 ppm of glyphosate is allowed on grains. 0.1ppb of glyphosate has been shown to destroy gut bacteria in chickens.
See the full list of allowable levels of glyphosate on our foods at:http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=195f8b224b4d7d5ab8cfff3bf0f92f68&node=se40.24.180_1364&rgn=div8
続きを読むラウンドアップ(グリホサート)は何ですか? :新しい研究
Journal of Environmental Protection, 2012, 3, 1001-1003 doi:10.4236/jep.2012.39115 Published Online 9月 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jep) 1001
Not only is it sprayed on the soil, the chemical is drawn into it root system and plant, it is also now being sprayed に the GMO plant in ever increasing doses and it is absorbed into every cell of the plant. It's called "Roundup Ready”. The problem is, that means it is in our food, potentially for 14 years plus, it cannot be washed off, and the food is not labeled.
The family in the study lived 1.5 miles away from their fields that were sprayed with Roundup. The father would spray the fields, come home and wash his hands thoroughly, but not take a shower. Apparently he hugged his children, because the levels of glyphosate found in their urine were far above what has shown to be toxic in animals. The glyphosate level in the father's urine was 9.5 ppm and the children's was 2 ppm. It is scientifically documented that infertility is caused by glyphosate at .5 ppm and endocrine disruption (which causes birth defects) is caused by glyphosate at .2 ppm.
"Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases" states that glyphosate residues have been found primarily in corn, sugar, soy and wheat. Good God, that is practically in everything all of us eat!
For the full report ( which is 48 pages long and too big of a file for my site) go to www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy
* Roundupはモンサントの登録商標です