How to Present to Moms about GMO's - Moms Across America


 昨夜、18の素晴らしいママとパパのために話をした後、他の人を訓練するべきだと言われました。 GMOについて共有する方法を知りたいだけで、どこから始めたらよいかわからないすべてのママのために、ブログの投稿として自分の回答を共有すると思いました。自由にコピー、貼り付け、独自のアウトラインまたはトークを作成してください。

First of I want you to know one thing. There is no "right way" that I have or anyone else has. The way to do a talk in front of others is to trust yourself. You have everything it takes and all the love in the world to do a perfect talk in front of your best friends or in front of thousands. Now how can you say that? You might don't even know don't know that I am shy, or soft spoken, or I just can't look people in the eye...I can't be a speaker. Phooey to that, is what I say.

I know you. You are a Mom. You love with ever fiber of your being where you don't even know there are fibers. Your commitment goes to unknowable depths and then some. You are more powerful and more clear and more moving than any fancy advertising or well oiled marketing report ever. When you are present to that love you have for your children, you can do anything. So my "training advice"is that you set aside any chatter in your head that you can't do this or don't know how and take a deep breath. Just think about how adorable your kids are and how you would like them to experience the profound love that you have for them, for their own child one day, that they created and birthed, and then get on with it.



1) First Introduce yourself and ask by show of hands how many people know about GMOs.
部屋の雰囲気をつかみ、彼らが/ GMOについて知っているかどうかにかかわらず、彼ら/家族に幸福に対処するためにそこにいることを認めてください。それは簡単な情報ではないので、あなたは本当に彼らの勇気を認めたいと思っています。
2)Let them know your intention for the evening in your own words but something like "The intention for this evening is that you leave completely clear about what a GMO is, what the possible health impact could be and what you can do about it. I also intend for you to be empowered to share with others about GMOs.
3) Then authentically say in less than 3 minutes what had you be there. ( practice this, write it down, be clear just so that you are comfortable ) Share your story concisely, keeping in only the most important parts you know they will relate to, understand and be moved by. Touch on before finding out about GMOs and what had you get to the place to want to find out about them. Share your feelings.
4) Show Robyn O'Briens Ted X Talk 18 minute video on YouTube.
5) Get a few people to share how they feel. Expect them to be pretty speechless, so share how you felt, give them the space to relate to your anger, sadness and fear.
6) For a 1-1.5 hr presentation then show, from You Tube, the Genetic Roulette 10 minute version.
Read the facts from a few new studies, you can use my blog's resources, the 2012 Corn Report, the Glyphosate exposure to Farmer's Family case study and brand new peer reviewed independant scientific published study that shows the link between glyphosate ( which is sprayed directly ON the GMO crops) and the skyrocketing rise of most western diseases like autism, alzheimers, diabetes, infertility, parkinsons etc.
8) Address the behavior aspect of GMOs: read an excerpt of  Barbara Stitt's book "Food and Behavior the Natural Connection" found on blog, called Violent Behavior and Junk Food, on my site.
9) Then just ask what can we do about this? You might want to hear their answers. If they are still speechless, share what you did and do, how you eat GMO free, etc. You know more about GMOs than most and just let them know you are not a scientist, just a mom that wants to share to Empower Moms to raise Healthy Kids. Inside of that commitment, there is nothing you can say that would be wrong. The most important thing is just to come from love, be who you really are, be compassion
10) Finally, empower them to make a difference. Make sure to note that they can all just eat organic and be fine. Why that doesn't work is because your son/daughter's future spouse is out there somewhere...their child's wife or husband is out there somewhere...and you would all like for their ovaries/parts to work. You would all like for our children to be able to experience the profound love of creating a child of their own flesh and heritage. So what works is to シェア...and if one Mom shares with 10 people, has a movie night like this, and they share with 5 people, who share with 5 people, then that one person will be personally responsible for 1270 people finding out about GMOs! Ask for a show of hands who thinks they can do that. Acknowledge that if all ten raised their hands, that over 12,000 people will find out about GMOs from tonight!!!
11) Then share about Moms Across America March and how, in one day,  across the nation, we can have million of moms and their families find out about GMOs. YES we Moms can do that. We can cause the tipping point of consumer rejection in which food manufacturers will need to replace their ingredients with non GMO. AND labeling for those who don't know about GMOs. This is our country, our children and our freedom to choose what to feed our families. Just grab a trike, a balloon and your kids and join a parade!
BONUS: If you are really committed to developing your self expression and leadership, I love because the courses have empowered me to take on leadership in my life that I never thought possible. I recommend these courses more than anything else. Why take on something else? Because we all have ideas about ourselves that stop us ( not experienced enough, too soft spoken, too busy... etc) . It's time for us Moms to set those aside and BE THE ONES to transform the food industry. At Landmark you get completely empowered to come from what you are committed to..that future you want..rather than all the reasons why you might not do it. Don't let those reasons stop you! No matter what you do, take on the bonus or not, it's time!!!
それは私たち次第です。それはあなた次第です。モンサントには多額のお金があるかもしれませんが、子供たちへの愛は財布よりも大きいです。 FDAと政府は多くの力を持っているかもしれませんが、私たちはギャブの贈り物を持っています...私たちは共有します...誰も私たちを止めることはできません...そして私たちは食べ物の85%を買います!それは本当に私たち次第です、私たちは力を持つものです。
Try that on. Book a talk or movie night today. Just look at your calendar book something a week or two out and call up/FB your friends. It might feel scary but the empowerment you are creating for others will be more exhilarating and fuel you.


  • ルース
    このページをフォローしました 2016-10-12 09:43:09 -0400
  • ミーガン・ウィルソン
    コメントした 2013-06-14 08:43:08 -0400
    All are welcome to google:

    “University of Florida Monsanto”

    and see the ties between Mr. Folta’s University and Big Agribusiness.
  • 禅ハニーカット
    コメントした 2013-06-14 00:00:47 -0400
    Kevin it;s unfortunate you are ignoring Moms. It is scary…because we love our kids. There is nothing you can say about GMOs being safe that we will listen to. Especially this week.

    3 Studies Released in 1 Week – All shocking -

    Dr. Judy Carman: Evidence of GMO Harm in Pig Study:
    Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Hoppe: Glyphosate Found in Human Urine Across Europe:
    Dr. Thongprakaisang: Glyphosate Induces Growth in Human Breast Cancer Cells;
  • 禅ハニーカット
    このページをフォローしました 2013-05-25 17:53:50 -0400
  • 禅ハニーカット
    コメントした 2013-05-03 14:04:29 -0400
    I am promoting the 10 minute version on You Tube of Genetic Roulette. I strongly encourage purchasing it. It is worth it. I bought six and gave them out.
  • Cynthia Smith Ozer
    コメントした 2013-04-30 03:26:28 -0400
    Monsanto’s minions are all over, but we will outnumber them, and we are growing. I am a Mutha against Monsanto.
  • ミーガン・ウィルソン
    コメントした 2013-04-22 09:28:47 -0400
    On a semi not related note, I as just searching for the year that “Genetic Roulette” was made, so that I could determine how up to date the statistics presented in the film were, and when I went IMDB website, the biggest site for film info, they had TAKEN THE FILM DOWN from the website!

    As a former film production crew member, who has used the IMDB website countless times for valid info, I am FURIOUS they have attempted to discredit the film by removing it from the website!!!

