


これは機能します:あなたの街で4 G / 5 Gワイヤレスを飼いならす方法-2分まとめ




  • 電気通信プロバイダー(Verizon、AT&Tなどの電気通信)からセルタワーの設置に適切な健康保険を取得するための市の絶対的な必要性。
  • The precise kind of insurance must be obtained without compromise.
  • テレコムが都市との契約で適切な保険を提供することを回避しようとする方法。
  • テレコムが非協力で都市を訴えることに成功した場合に実際に勝つことができる法的結果についての真実。


  • 市の正しい賠償責任保険に加入することの重要性



  • 妥協することなく取得しなければならない正確な種類の保険

This type of health issuance is called “Pollution Insurance”. Most General Liability Insurance policies have a ‘pollution exclusion’ (Under this exclusion, EMF /RF are listed as pollutants). The city must demand that any permit of any kind allowing a Telecom to install cell towers or related equipment in the city must include this specific pollution coverage in the license agreement.  This insurance must be obtained from a licensed third party insurance company, not a self insured indemnity substitute by the Telecom or any company listed on the License Agreement. In the event that a master license or permit exists between the City and a Telecom, the City must examine the insurance provisions carefully and will find that Pollution insurance is not covered. The city should demand a copy of the actual third party insurance policy relating to the permit, and inform the Telecom that it is in breach of the permit until such time as proper Pollution insurance is obtained. All further installations will cease.

  • テレコムが都市と交渉する契約で適切な保険を回避しようとする方法

To protect the health and wellbeing of their citizens, and to avoid possible lawsuits by such citizens against the city and/or employees or council, the city must reject any offer of self-insurance or indemnity made by the installing company as not sufficient. Due to the well established (thousands of studies) fact that RF is a hazard, as stated by the major insurance companies such as Lloyds and Swiss RE, they do not offer pollution insurance for RF under any circumstances. See quote from Lloyd’s agent below, followed by AT&T exclusions to their user policy:


Cell Phone Companies Define Electromagnetic Fields as a “Pollutant” and Will Not Cover Damages.  AT&T Mobile Insurance “Exclusions:

  • 汚染物質の出、分散、浸透、移動、放出、または脱出によって引き起こされた、またはそれらに起因する損失
  • “Pollutants” means any solid, liquid, gaseous, or thermal irritant or contaminant including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals, artificially produced electric fields, magnetic field, electromagnetic field, sound waves, microwaves, and all artificially produced ionizing or non- ionizing radiation and waste. Waste includes materials to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed.” (pg. 4) AT &T Mobile Insurance Policy, 2月 2014


It is not only acceptable, but crucial, that the City deal with the health issues of RF pollution, and they may do so in discussion with the Telecom when the subject is proper insurance. This is not the same as rejecting the installation for health issues alone, (47 US Code 332C, the Telecommunications Act 1996 ) without dealing with pollution insurance.


Since neither the City nor the Telecom is able to obtain the proper Pollution Insurance from third-party companies, Telecom will attempt to offer other forms of insurance without the pollution clause or will offer indemnity (self-insurance). This indemnity will not be offered directly by the Telecom (AT&T or Verizon, etc), but rather by another company which will be installing the equipment (LLCs such as GTE, New Cingular, etc) and which may be listed as “dba Verizon” or “dba AT&T”. The Telecoms are well aware that RF is a known hazard and admit this fact to their shareholders in annual reports and also as shown in their own insurance exclusions to their customers. Therefore third party insurance is the only way to insure proper handling of this issue.

  • テレコムが非協力で都市を訴えることに成功した場合、テレコムが実際にどのような法的結果を勝ち取ることができるかについての真実。

Telecom lawyers will threaten to sue the City if they do not agree to the permit with the lack of pollution insurance, and will falsely assert that they will win large sums of money and legal fees from the City. Below you will find the proof that a Telecom cannot collect any monetary reward or legal fees if they prevail in a court, only the permission to install the equipment under the license. It is doubtful that they will sue, because Pollution insurance for the city is part of any proper general liability insurance that all cities must demand, and this is a basic right of a city to protect itself from lawsuits from citizens claiming harm from the RF towers, which can literally bankrupt the City. Cities must stand up to any such legal threats as they are essentially without teeth



A public entity is not liable for an injury caused by adopting or failing to adopt an enactment or by failing to enforce any law. However, where the City requires liability Insurance for a known risk (EMF illness) the city can be sued for damages if it fails to require coverage for such risk. If the City ignores the fact that the policy has a pollution exclusion for EMF illness, it can be sued by an injured third party. Cal Govt. Code 815.6 and 815.2 See also 51 Cal App 3d 577 , and 18 Cal 3d 901



Kayv。Lucky'sTwoWay Radio Corp. 504 F 3 d 803第9巡回控訴裁判所、2007


“Section 1983 remedies, including the right to attorney fees for the prevailing party under § 1988, are unavailable in a suit to enforce rights granted by Telecommunications Act; Act's conferral of right to sue is presumed to entitle a successful plaintiff to usual remedies, which do not include attorney fees.”  PrimeCo Personal Communications, Ltd. Partnership v. City of Mequon, C.A.7 (Wis.) 2003, 352 F.3d 1147.


Mark S. Pollock
1827 Clay St, Suite 300
Napa, CA 94559
Telephone (707) 257-3089
Facsimile (707) 257-3096
[email protected]

これは機能します:あなたの街で4 G / 5 Gワイヤレスを飼いならす方法-フル20分バージョン


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    このページを公開しました 無線放射 2020-05-06 17:40:11 -0400

