Georgia _contacts - Moms Across America

Georgia _contacts

Georgia House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee Hearing on SB 144 could happen as soon as WEDNESDAY 3/12

  1. SB 144 was amended on the Senate floor - the amendment does not work. The amendment limits immunity only if EPA "determines" a company knowingly misled them. This is legally unworkable, and it addresses only the most egregious fraud cases, not the full scope of misbranding. It doesn't change the bill's practical effects but implicitly admits the original bill eliminates claims even when companies knowingly conceal information.
  2. SB 144 gives foreign chemical companies complete immunity—even if they violate federal misbranding rules. EPA sets labeling standards, but Georgia law empowers farmers and families to hold these companies accountable when they cover up dangers. SB 144 strips farmers and families of their rights to hold pesticide companies accountable for violating federal law.


SB 144 could be voted on this week.

Unfortunately, 42 senators of the following were either hoodwinked or bought by Bayer.

Sen. Steve Gooch 404-656-9221

Sam Watson 404-656-0065

Russ Goodman 404-463-1318

Billy Hickman 404-463-1371

Max Burns 404-463-1376

Shawn Still 404-656-7127

Drew Echols 404-656-7454

Marty Harbin 404-656-0078

Matt Brass 404-656-0057

Clint Dixon 404-656-6446

John Kennedy 404-656-6578

Carden Summers 404-656-9224

Jason Anavitarte 404-656-0085

Larry Walker 404-656-0095

Bill Cowsert 404-463-1366

Brandon Beach 404-463-1378

Lee Anderson 404-656-5114

Timothy Bearden 404-656-7872

Frank Ginn 404-656-9224

Randy Robertson 404-656-0045

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