上位 20 のファストフード ブランドの 100% がグリホサート系除草剤の陽性反応を示しています。76% が有害な農薬の陽性反応を示しています

上位 20 のファストフード ブランドの 100% がグリホサート系除草剤の陽性反応を示しています。76% が有害な農薬の陽性反応を示しています

ファストフード ブランド トップ 20 のグリホサートおよび農薬検査レポート

全国規模の非営利団体であるママズ・アクロス・アメリカは、アメリカのトップ20のファストフード・ブランドと、カリフォルニアのイン・アンド・アウト・バーガーというレストラン1軒を対象とした大規模なテスト・プログラムを開始した。 21 ブランドの 42 のサンプルについて、世界で最も広く使用されている除草剤、グリホサート、236 農薬、4 重金属、PFAS、フタル酸エステル、ミネラル含有量が検査されました。上位 10 ブランドは、104 一般的に使用される動物用医薬品とホルモン、ビタミン B 類、カロリーについてさらにテストされました。


Fast food is consumed by eighty-five million Americans each day, and many chains are often the suppliers of school lunches. Thirty million school meals are served to our children each day, and for millions of underprivileged children, these toxic meals are their only access to nutrition. Our previous testing has shown that America’s school lunches are indeed toxic.

To further investigate the status of a major source of food and nutrition in America, アメリカ中のママ supporters, including Children’s Health Defense, the Centner Academy, and many individual supporters, recently initiated extensive testing focused specifically on America’s most popular fast food chains to explore the potential contamination of our food supply, which is likely affecting our physical and mental health.


Despite spending the highest amount in the world on health care, America has the worst health of all industrialized nations. Healthcare costs are crippling America. The United States will spend a projected $4.7 trillion — or 18 percent of the national economy — on healthcare in 2023. On a per capita basis, the United States spends nearly double the average of similarly wealthy countries. Nonetheless, health outcomes are generally worse than in other countries, including in areas like life expectancy, infant mortality, and diabetes.

The CDC reports that 1 out of 6 of our children have learning disorders. and more than 1 out of 5 Americans have a mental health disorder. These disorders can lead to increased violence. According to an extensive 2022 report from the Commonwealth Fund, the US has, by far, the highest global incidence of death by assault.



Through various studies such as those by Barbara Reed Stitt, author of Food and Behavior, the Natural Connection, as well as a recent mental health study on glyphosate exposure and mental health, mental health disorders have been directly linked to exposure to toxins and the lack of nutrients in the food supply. “A new study shows that these effects on mental health may be at least partially explained by the recent discovery that glyphosate is neurotoxic, affecting the brain.

Agrochemicals such as glyphosate have been proven to negatively impact the gut microbiome, which is not only the stronghold of the immune system, but is also where Serotonin and Melatonin are localized – important hormones that influence mood, sleep, and risks of developing depression, violent and obsessive behavior, as well as suicidal and homicidal thoughts and actions.

スティットは、仮釈放者、犯罪者、連続殺人犯などの受刑者を 20 年にわたって研究し、彼ら全員に 1 つの共通点があることを発見しました。それは彼らの社会経済的背景や人種ではありませんでした。それは彼らが黒人か白人か、金持ちか貧乏人かということではなかった。彼ら全員に共通していたのは、「ジャンクフードで生きていると自慢していた」ということだ。さらに、彼らは重要なビタミン、特に適切な意思決定に利用される脳の領域である前頭前皮質の処理機能に不可欠なビタミンBが欠乏していました。

When Stitt removed processed junk food from their diet and they were given whole foods, the recidivism rate reversed. Instead of 70% of the inmates returning to prison, 70% stayed out of prison.

Glyphosate and toxic agrochemicals used in industrial farming are severely impactful to gut health, mood, and behavior. In addition to causing liver disease and nervous system damage, neurotoxic, carcinogenic glyphosate acts as a chelator, an antibiotic, and an endocrine disruptor. These three functions directly impact gut health and mental health. Chelation means that glyphosate holds and makes unavailable any vital nutrient in the thing it touches (such as a plant or soil). The withholding of such nutrients, such as Vitamin B, can directly lead to dysfunction and debilitation of body organs. Antibiotics disturb gut health. Glyphosate has been shown to target beneficial gut bacteria and allow for the proliferation of pathogenic gut bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella. Overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria in the gut can lead to lower levels of hormones that regulate a person’s ability to feel content and satiated or to sleep properly. Lower serotonin and lack of sleep lead to increased addictive behavior, obsession, depression, and mood swings. These things can eventually lead to violent behavior. In many cases, they lead to psychiatric care, which often includes the prescription of psychotropic antidepressant medications. Antidepressants have been connected to suicidal and homicidal ideation and increased suicide rates. Many articles assert that every or most mass shooters were, at one point, administered antidepressants.

Another example of food’s connection to behavior comes from a disturbing animal study. As featured in the Smithsonian magazine, a study out of the University of Strausberg, Germany revealed that a declining population of hamsters (an important food source for the ecosystem) that lived in a monocrops cornfield were cannibalistic. The mothers were eating their young on the first day of life. The soil in the field was also like sand, deficient in organic matter, as industrial, chemical farming commonly produces. Modern farming practices have changed the available food sources and soil quality. The lead scientist, Mathilde Tissier, soon learned that the corn, the hamsters’ food source, was the problem: “Corn binds vitamin B3, or niacin, so that the body cannot absorb it during digestion.” When she administered Vitamin B 3 to the hamsters, the cannibalism stopped. One change, one vitamin, completely stopped the violent behavior.

Another study from 2015, led by George Matapandeu, a health worker in rural Malawi, showed hundreds of patients with diarrhea and symmetrical rashes. “In Malawi, I would say 70 percent of the time somebody says ‘I’ve consumed food,’ they mean corn,” Matapandeu says. After consulting with doctors in the United States, he started handing out vitamin B3 supplements. Within a few weeks, the rashes and other symptoms had disappeared.

Moms Across America asserts that a diverse diet is important, as are the chemicals in the food consumed. This Malawi study was during a time when the practice of spraying glyphosate on corn crops as a drying agent (whether they were GMO corn or non-GMO corn) dominated the market. As previously mentioned, glyphosate is a chelator of vitamins and minerals essential to brain development. For GMO crops, glyphosate is sprayed on the entire corn crop (the weeds die), and the corn can continue to grow. For non-GMO corn, glyphosate is often sprayed as a drying agent. Either way, glyphosate residues are being consumed from most corn consumption. These agrochemically-grown mono-crops are patented and significantly different from heirloom corn; which are not genetically altered and toxic chemicals are not utilized.  They are also grown in rotation or alongside other crops such as peas, beans, and legumes, in nutrient-dense (non-sprayed) soil. Many cultures have been on a predominantly corn diet for thousands of years. The problem is not just the lack of diversity and the corn, as the Smithsonian article claims, but what is being done to the corn.

According to the EPA, Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the world, 280 million pounds are sprayed on food and animal feed crops every year. Glyphosate has been shown by Monika Kruger et al. to accumulate in animal tissues, and bone tendons and be present in thousands of grocery store food samples. A study by Paul J Mills et al showed higher levels of glyphosate in humans to be linked to higher levels of chronic disease.

Agrochemicals such as glyphosate have also been proven to negatively impact the gut microbiome, which is the stronghold of not only the immune system, but is where Serotonin and Melatonin are localized, important hormones that influence mood, sleep, and risks of developing depression, violent and obsessive behavior, suicidal and homicidal thoughts and actions.

Moms Across America and our supporters are particularly focused in this study on the presence of toxins and lack of nutrients necessary to support mental health. School shootings and the increase in violence in America devastate our communities. Mental health issues are on the rise, and many decade-old studies have shown a link between our food and violent behavior. According to a paper published in the European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences by Kleinman et al. (1998) the study reveals that malnourished and hungry children are 7 to 12 times more likely to exhibit symptoms of conduct disorders than not-hungry or nutrition-balanced children. Malnourished children also tend to exhibit higher levels of irritability, aggression, and externalizing behavioral problems than their low-income, low-SES, but not-hungry peers (Halas et al., 1975; Mora, 1979; Gray, 1986).



ファストフード テスト プログラムは、業界別にリストされている上位 20 のレストラン *QSR 50 (最高売上高) である 21 軒のレストランからの 42 件のファストフード サンプルをテストすることで構成されていました。主にカリフォルニアに拠点を置くママズ アクロス アメリカの理事会また、ファストフード チェーンはファストフードの「より健康的な」バージョンであると頻繁に主張されているため、実際にファストフード チェーンのリストで売上高第 3 位である In-N-Out も含めるよう主張しました。

2 種類のサンプル(各種類 3 ~ 4 食)が、米国全土の 21 か所から、元のパッケージのまま、そのままの状態で冷凍のまま、検査のために研究所に FedEx によって送られました。主要研究室である保健研究所がこの検査を調整し、トリプル四重極質量分析法 (グリホサート、殺虫剤、動物用医薬品、PFAS、フタル酸エステル) およびその他のいくつかの方法を使用して実施されました。





  • トップ 20 (+1) のファーストフード ブランドの 100% に、憂慮すべきグリホサート残留物が含まれていました。
  • 実験動物を使った研究では、 0.1 ppb のグリホサートが肝臓や臓器に損傷を引き起こすことが示されています。
  • 2 つのサンプルで合計 439.11、最も高いレベルの 213.58 ppb と 225.53 ppb が検出されたのは、「おいしい食品」と「清潔で健康的な食品」の所有者を自称するパネラ ブレッド社でした。
  • 2 番目に高いグリホサート レベルは、アービーズのサンドイッチで検出された 124.2 と 99 ppb、合計で 223.33 ppb のグリホサートです。デイリー クイーンとリトル シーザーズは、検出された総グリホサート量がそれぞれ 126 ppb と 128 ppb で、ほぼ同率 3 位でした。
  • 最も低いレベルはチポトレの食事で検出され、両方のサンプルの合計は 4.65 ppb で、パネラブレッドで検出された最高レベルの 439.11 ppb よりも 94.4何倍も低かったです。

チポトレは、非遺伝子組み換えのオーガニック食材を宣伝した最初のファストフード レストランの 1 つです。

  • 次に低いのはパンダ エクスプレスとマクドナルドで、それぞれ 4.75 と 5.58 ppb でした。
  • The total amount of glyphosate detected in 42 types of fast food meals ( between 1-3 samples of each were used for testing for hundreds of contaminants) was 2089 ppb, a level over 20,000 times higher than the amount (.1 ppb) that has been found to cause severe organ damage, specifically liver disease, in animal studies.
    Séralini, GE., Clair, E., Mesnage, R. et al. Republished study: long-term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize. Environ Sci Eur 26, 14 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12302-014-0014-5.

アメリカ全土のママたちは、ファストフードを週に 1 回弱、年にわずか 42 回しか消費しないリスクを懸念しています。この頻度の少なさでさえ、アメリカにおける肝疾患や臓器障害の増加の重大な要因となっている可能性があるからです。さらに懸念されるのは、ファストフード会社が提供する学校給食を子どもたちが毎日食べていることだ。


MIT Senior Scientist and author of Toxic Legacy How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment, Stephanie Seneff PhD. reviewed the results and stated:

「全米のファストフード店で一般的に売られている食品中にグリホサートが、しばしば驚くべき高濃度で蔓延しているという定量的データを確立するために、限られた予算で活動している擁護団体が行動を起こしていることは非常に憂慮すべきことである。多くのアメリカ人はファストフードに依存している。食品は食事の重要な部分を占めています。なぜこれほど多くのアメリカ人が肥満であり、自閉症率が非常に高いのか不思議ではありません。」 - ステファニー・セネフ博士

Author of What’s Making our Children Sick, Pediatrician of 40 years, author of a new article titled "The State of Our Children's Health," and host of The New MDS, Dr. Michelle Perro stated regarding the results:

「私たちの分析対象物リストの最上位は、除草剤グリホサートとその分解生成物である AMPA です。残念ながら、このニュースは良いものではなく、最も一般的なファーストフードに含まれるグリホサート/AMPA の量は衝撃的です。これは国民の健康上の大惨事であり、グリホサートがアメリカ国民の日常的な中毒の原因となっている。たとえ少量であっても、グリホサートの慢性摂取による健康への影響には、神経疾患(自閉症スペクトラム障害、アルツハイマー病など)、喘息/アレルギー、代謝障害、免疫機能不全(がんを含む)などが含まれます。憂鬱なニュースはさらに悪化する。提出されたすべてのファストフードサンプルからグリホサートが検出されただけでなく、他の多数の有毒な殺虫剤や医薬品も発見されました。本質的に、私たちの子供たちとその家族は、何の監督も責任も負うことなく、毎日有毒な時限爆弾を摂取しているのです。 「



  • 27 個の異なる農薬がファーストフードのサンプルから検出されました。
  • 76% of fast food brands (61% of the total 42 samples) contained at least trace of these 27 harmful pesticides.
  • いくつかのファストフードには、7、8、または 9 個もの異なる農薬が含まれていました。
  • The highest levels were found in Domino’s and Pizza Hut pizza ( pizza with vegetables had the highest amounts).
  • 「より健康的な」ファストフード企業であるパネラ・ブレッド社、イン・アンド・アウト社、チポトレ社ですら、いずれも微量か検出可能なレベルの懸念される農薬を検出していた。
  • 動物実験におけるこれらの殺虫剤による直接的な副作用には、平衡感覚の喪失、過敏な行動、腸内環境異常、代謝障害、昏睡および死亡などの症状が含まれます。長期的な影響には、心血管疾患、糖尿病、がん、気分や感情の混乱など、幅広い慢性疾患が含まれます。


Lab report of summary

The top twenty fast food brands (plus In-N-Out), were tested for 236 pesticides in addition to glyphosate herbicide. Twenty-seven pesticides were detected in 28 samples. In other words, 61% of the 42 fast food samples were positive for trace or quantifiable amounts of harmful pesticides. As many as nine different pesticides were found in several of the samples. Some of the side effects from these pesticides include lower appetite, unsteady balance, watery eyes, irritable behavior, coma, and death (at high doses, long term, in animals), gut microbiota dysbiosis and metabolic disorders.


A full list of toxicity ( high dose and immediate) side effects from these 27 pesticides, plus glyphosate, can be found here. While this list cannot be directly linked to human health effects, due to the lack of studies of pesticides on humans, ( according to the EPA it is “not ethical to allow pesticide testing ON human subjects”, and we agree with that, but then why are pesticides allowed in our food, to consumed by humans on a daily basis? How is that ethical?) this list does show reasons for significant concern. While the amounts of pesticides are low, no one can predict or ascertain what the levels are in any person over a long period of time, and on a daily or weekly basis. In addition, no synergistic studies have been done on the combination of up to 9 different pesticides, plus the herbicide glyphosate, in our food.


ドミノ・ピザには合計 6 種類の殺虫剤が含まれていました。このうち、36.57 ppb は小麦生地のピザに由来し、 5.05 ppb はグルテンフリーのピザに由来します。このデータは、グルテンフリーのピザ製品にはグリホサートの含有量が少ない可能性があることを示唆しています。ただし、他のグルテンフリー製品からもグリホサートが検出されていますが、これはおそらくグルテンフリー製品(乾燥剤としてグリホサートが噴霧されている)によく使用される非有機大豆、トウモロコシ、豆、エンドウ豆が多量に含まれていることが原因と考えられます。したがって、さらなるテストが必要です。

Pizza Hut’s vegetable-topped wheat crust samples contained 21.50 ppb of 8 different pesticides. The cheese pizza with wheat crust contained only trace, undetectable amounts of pesticides. This data supports the findings from the Heartland Health Research Alliance that show that vegetables grown non-organically are responsible for the majority (98%) of pesticide consumption in America. These results are disturbing because the general public usually assumes vegetables are more healthy.

The only brands that showed no detectable levels, not even trace levels of pesticides, were Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King, Wendy’s and Arby’s. All of the other brands, or 90% of the brands, had trace to alarming detectable levels of toxic pesticides. It should be noted, however that some of these brands, specifically Dunkin’ Donuts and Arby’s did have some of the highest levels of glyphosate residues.


Panera had one sample with trace, but not quantifiable levels, of 1 harmful pesticide. In-N-Out had 10.16 ppb of 3 different pesticides. Chipotle had a total from both samples of 22.83 ppb of 11 different pesticides.

このデータは、最高レベルのグリホサートを含むブランドであるパネラブレッドには、他の農薬のレベルが最も低いうちの 1 つが含まれていることを示しています (1 つのサンプルには微量検出不能なレベルがあり、もう 1 つのサンプルには微量レベルさえ含まれていません)。グリホサート濃度が最も低いチポトレには、他の農薬も懸念されるレベルで含まれていました。これはおそらく、グリホサートを使用する一部の農家は他の農薬を使用しない傾向があり、グリホサートを使用しない農家は他の農薬を使用することを意味しているのかもしれません。





ワシントン DC の10月 17, 2023、SH 902 で学校給食議会報告会が開催されます。Moms Across America の創設者であるゼン・ハニーカット氏が、小児科医、毒物学者、農家、研究者とともに招待パネルとして登壇します。

Moms Across America is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
For press inquiries, contact Mara Quigley, Steve Allen Media at [email protected] or 661.255.8283.


  • Rob Wilkins
    コメントした 2024-05-11 22:42:16 -0400
    Zen, When the CIA did the 2014 coup in Ukraine, the WOrld Bank came in with massive loans with the stipulations that 70% farmland must be available for purchase by foreigners ( corporations) and that they must permit glyphosate in Ukraine. Russia does not permit GMOs. And Russia was a big market for Ukraine. Ukraine also supplies wheat to the Middle East and Africa. Now the door has been opened to poison and control the population of Africa and the Middle East. Monsanto was sold to Bayer Germany who now can force EU member states to buy glyphosate GMO seeds and chemicals. Up until the Monsanto/Bayer deal the EU only permitted glyphosate in minimal applications. Bayer moved head office to USA. Cargil and DuPont have swallowed up 30% of the farmland at bargain prices. Most of the young men who should protest are dead. All be design. In my view.
  • シャロン・マッコール
    コメントした 2023-11-16 21:39:49 -0500
    This is great info. Can you share the food weight info? I’d like to translate a days worth of school lunch and fast food for total equivalent Round Up exposure.

    If I got the calculations right… USDA says that acceptable daily intake (ADI) of glyphosate is 1mg/kg. Which means that according to the USDA a 40 lb child should be able to “safely” consume 2.5 ml of RoundUp 365 (per the label 1% glyphosate, 0.06 lb glyphosate acid per ga). I just don’t see any parent being willing to accept that is a “safe” exposure. That is scary itself even if someone doesn’t understand the SDS of RoundUp and the carcinogenic and microbiome impact of glyphosate exposure.

    I think the more we can translate studies like this to the chemicals used around the house the more people will understand how horrible the guidelines are from our government. Thanks!
  • 禅ハニーカット
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2023-10-11 11:49:57 -0400

