Flyer - Moms Across America






If you would like few hundred free flyers on toxic chemicals and alternatives, please post your event: movie night, coffee night, or MeetUp on our EVENTS page and look in your email for a message with a free code to order a box of materials.

To print one or two, please click and download.

Thank you for giving this information to decision makers in your neighborhood!

You CAN create healthy communities!

Zen and MAA Team

UPDATE: In August of 2018, school pesticide applicator Dwayne "Lee" Johnson, who is dying of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, was awarded 289.2 million dollars from Monsanto by a California Supreme Court jury. Monsanto was found guilty of acting with "malice and oppression," meaning they knew their glyphosate products could cause cancer and the company executives suppressed the information. As of 9月 2018, over 8,000 more Roundup users are filing lawsuits against Monsanto. 

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