私たちの子供たちを守れ!学校をハードワイヤードにしましょう! -アメリカ中のお母さん


Many of us have children that are heading back to the classroom. During the shutdowns, many school districts have “upgraded” their technology systems and have purchased laptops or iPads for every student. When our children do go back to school, instead of exposure to one device’s radio frequency (RF) radiation, they will be in a room for hours a day with a dozen or two devices. 

We must ensure that schools are making classrooms as safe as possible. The fact is that school districts have a legal obligation to provide a safe learning environment for our children. Science is showing that RF radiation can be harmful to our children. 

最近の査読済み研究 RF放射線への曝露は、頭痛、めまい、吐き気などの急性症状の発生率を高めるだけでなく、免疫系や殖器系の損傷、DNAの変化、さらには癌など、より深刻な長期的な健康問題を引き起こす可能性があることを確認しています。 

Children are at higher risk from RF radiation because of their thinner skulls, developing nervous system and rapidly changing physiology.

Although manufacturers and the FCC claim that RF radiation is safe, the current FCC human exposure guidelines were developed back in the 1980s, and last updated in 1996!  

What’s the solution? Hardwired classrooms are the safest and most secure learning environments for children. Hardwired systems are faster, more reliable, easily adaptable to new technologies, and have none of the potential health issues now associated with wireless technology. Virtually any computer, smartphone, or tablet can be connected to the internet using simple, low-cost adapters.


We’re working with TechSafe Schools, a science-based initiative providing school administrators with scientific, legal, and technical support to reduce exposure for students, teachers, and staff.

TechSafe Schoolsは、学校のリーダーが学校での無線放射のリスクについて学ぶために、3月に3つのオンラインセミナーを開催します。


  1. Forward this article to your school PTA, principal, superintendent, chief technology officer, and/or school board members. Invite them to the three workshops below.
  2. Click here to send a one-click, pre-drafted email to your statewide PTA representatives so they’ll invite their contacts as well.
  • Tuesday, 3月 9 at 1pm EST: "The Legal Imperative for Schools Regarding Wireless Radiation"
  • Thursday, 3月 11 at 1pm EST: "The Science Behind the TechSafe Schools Project"
  • Tuesday, 3月 16 at 1pm EST: "Technical Forum on Reducing Wireless Radiation in Schools"

School administrators can register to be in the webinars here.  

Interested parents can view the webinars live-streamed on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmericansForResponsibleTech.


Thank you for your partnership! Take action now to ask your PTA to contact the school district administrators! 





  • ロクサーヌブラウン
    コメントした 2021-03-07 00:30:40 -0500

  • レスリープレストン
    コメントした 2021-02-25 20:35:50 -0500
    I recently stop using my wifi and went back to cable connection when I learned wifi increases mold 600 times. Seems like black old was always growing around my sink.
  • 禅ハニーカット
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2021-02-25 08:26:03 -0500

