Dark Act Rally - Moms Across America

ダークアクトラリーDC 12月 10, 2014

Once upon a time, just one generation ago, all food was organic. When a mother bought corn on the cob or apples for her family she had no doubt that she was buying healthy food. When she picked up a box of cereal she didn't bother to read the label because she trusted that it has passed the food regulations set forth by our FDA and USDA and that anything sold in the grocery stores was perfectly fine to eat. Sometimes she read the label because she was avoiding too much sugar or salt, but besides that, the long looking words she couldn't pronounce she didn't think twice about. They must be fine.
She never even considered that there could be something in the food that was not labeled. She never imagined that the food manufacturers would be allowed to do such a thing. It never occured to her.
Over the past twenty years, it has become apparent that there is something in the food that is not disclosed: genetically modified proteins, put in our food since 1994, which are engineered to withstand toxic chemicals. GMOs have been hidden from us.
Many resist this idea. They don't want to know. It would unAmerican to not trust the system. Plus, it would be inconvenient. Suddenly, if we want to avoid these genetically modified organisms we would have to scrutinize our food, change food brands that have become family traditions, budget and spend more to buy NON GMO Project verified and Organic and be suspected as a left wing hippy conspiracy theorist.
This is the reality that brave Americans are willing to face. It is not a reality that our representatives and committee members of the Energy and Commerce Hearing faced in the hearing for HR 4432 which would make GMO labeling voluntary on a federal level, wipe out state labeling laws, and allow a "100% Natural" label to contain GMOs.


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Attendees for the Energy and Commerce Hearing regarding HR 4432 or the DARK Act,
Denying American's Right to Know, came from across the country, lined the halls of the Rayburn house in Washington DC at 7 am. The Organic Consumer's Association, funded the buses to the rally and along with many other grassroots and non profit groups, rallied their supporters for weeks to rearrange their schedules, take two days off work, ride on a bus for hours to days to be at the hearing and rally to stop HR 4432. We came because we care about having integrity on our food labels, knowing what we eat and having our state rights protected. We came because we want GMOs labeled and then elminated from our food supply along with the related toxic chemicals. We came because we have seen an increase in health issues in our loved ones, and we see them get better when they avoid GMOs and eat organic. We came because we love.



私は8 amに到着し、90席が空いていると言われました。私は入る可能性がありました。群衆が集まりました。私はMAAのチラシを列に並んでいる人々に配りましたが、炭疽菌のようなテロのためできないと言われました。私は尋ねました、「あなたは私が適切なものを配ることができないことを意味します








私が列に並んでいる場所に戻ったとき-発煙、私は地元の法学部の学生と有給のシッターと、ヒアリングに出席するために20以上の州から旅行した活動家との間に非常に明確な違いに気づきました。スーツ、ドレス、ぱりっとした縞模様のシャツを着た少なくとも80人の個人が列の最前線にいました...退屈で、ブレイズし、ぶらぶらと話していました...そしてスウェットシャツ、帽子、黒と赤のバンダナで何百人もの活動家市民がいました。 ..ただ公聴会のドアに入るだけで興奮し、集中し、情熱的に熱心になります。彼らは私たちの政府プロセスの一部になることを熱望していました。








私たちはひどくがっかりしました。他の席が予約されていたので、52だけが入りました。 GreenAmericaのNicoleが参加しました。プロGMOラベリング側の他の数人が参加しました。私は2時間早くカリフォルニアからそこにいました(スポンサーのBenny Olveraのおかげで)、割り当てられた座席から3人離れた場所に配置されましたが、しませんでした入れ。

Groups of activists walked to the front of the line and challenged the fairness of being denied entrance.We later learned that many students were paid 40 dollars a head to be there and did not even know why.... they had no idea that they were being used by the corporations just as a shell of a body. Their presence was blocking the inclusion of dedicated Americans who wanted with every fiber of their being to just be in the room.


We waited. I watched the first panel, (Watch the hearing here) the pro GMO side speak on live stream for nearly 1 hour and 20 minutes on my cell phone. As I sat on the cold stone floor, my heart sank further with every minute. I was later told I could not sit, that it was "an act of protest" so I stood again and watched the hearing with shooting pain in my feet.
I saw the entire council panel speak favorably of GMOs and deny concern over health safety. I saw our representatives completly sold out on GMOs. I saw the Tennesse Senator (in red) say she "is interested in food looking good because we eat with our eyes... and I am interested in yield." She later left  during first panel. I tried to talk to her as she passed by me. She was immediately angered. I asked her to look up the studies on our Momsacrossamerica.com and told her our kids were sick and she walked away faster. I was again so disappointed.
My battery ran too low for me to continue watching. I was distraught that we had come all that way and were missing it. We were told the first panel had left and the second panel had started but no one had left the hearing. It was most likely none would.
It was 12:30.We had been there for 4.5 hours. We reluctantly decided to leave, eat lunch and meet with our fellow activists at the nearby church gathering. There I reconnected with wonderful people from all over the country.

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I had an opportunity to address the crowd (see speech here) and request that they take action in their own counties. The response was resoundingly positive. We were not going to give up. I was enlivened and thrilled to meet leaders from all across the country. Their excitement touched my soul and their dedication left me inspired.

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その後、夕食後、公聴会の後半を見て、公聴会に出席するという私の期待は打ち砕かれました。 2番目のパネル、私は私たちの側にいることを望んでいましたが、そうではありませんでした。それは壊滅的に残念でした。スピーカーは次々とGMOを擁護し、その安全性を宣言しました。バーモント州のGMOラベリング法案の共同スポンサーとEWG(環境ワーキンググループ)の代表者でさえ、GMOの安全性について懸念はないと明確に宣言しました。それは腹立たしいことでした。彼らが私たちの健康や州の権限を守るために声を上げるのを聞いたことがありません。それは正義の悲劇でした。そこに行くために何千マイルも旅した何百人もの人々は公平に代表されていませんでした。



It was a failure of the US government to protect the people. It is my opinion that the committee members out right lied. I am sure every single one of them is aware of at least one, if not all, of the studies showing harm from GMOs. Every single one of them has heard of the soy comparison study documenting the significant difference between GMO soy and non GMO soy. Every single person in that room was aware of GMO material difference and safety concerns regarding increased pesticides. (Click for link to studies)  It was an appalling example of how corporationshave flat our bought our government.


私はシステムにうんざりしているかもしれませんが、決してあきらめません。私はDCに行ったことを後悔していません。また、早く、大声で、より多くの支持者と一緒に行きます。 DCでの私たちの努力は決して無駄ではありません。私たちの政府が現在抱えている混乱を、それを片付けない言い訳として使用しないでください。これは私たちの国です!

どうすればあなたはあなたの町で一人になることができますか? GMOを禁止しますか?農薬を禁止しますか?あなたの学校、教会、または近所の人にオーガニックに切り替えてもらいませんか?あなたの代表者や議会のメンバーと一緒に訪問し、彼らに聞いたことのないように見えるGMOからの害を示す研究を持ってきてください。何をするにしても、何かをしなさい。これは私たちの国、私たちの子供たち、そして私たちの未来だからです。






Zen HoneycuttとMAAMチーム




  • ルース
    このページをフォローしました 2016-09-29 11:46:17 -0400
  • アン寺院
    コメントした 2014-12-12 10:24:29 -0500
    Zen, I so wish I would have been there, but there is probably a good chance that I would have been arrested after finding out about the paid “sitters”.

    And we will not stop. How can we? Tougher wars have been fought and many battles have been lost with the end result being victorious.

    As I said on the FB post yesterday, it amazes me that these people are not going to be able to segregate themselves from the harm they are causing. They too will be sickened by their decisions, and when their children ask them why, what will they say? I know my kids (although still fairly oblivious to the issue) are starting to see the light and are proud of what I am doing.

    We must march on.
  • Lori Petersen Waite
    コメントした 2014-12-12 10:10:38 -0500
    I really admire your fight, Zen. The information you are disseminating about the FDA studies on glyphosate is powerful – really fuels the momentum you’ve helped start on this whole glyphosate issue. You’re doing such important work. Please keep doing what you’re doing and don’t stop until we’ve won.
  • ベス・ダルトン
    コメントした 2014-12-12 00:17:59 -0500
    I am so glad to be part of this movement. I am not deterred. I am more committed to having safe food. I’ve never shared this, but recent conversations with my husband turned on some light bulbs for us. Clean food has saved my daughter. Being ridiculed and ostracized as a food nazi by my family was worth the result I have. You met my daughter Peyton at the Rally after lunch. My beautiful soul of a daughter has Cerebral Palsy and developmental delays— She was born at 24 weeks with major gut issues weighing 1 pound 12 ounces. Her struggles fostered my dedication to cleaner food because I was waking up to the gut brain connection. On a Standard American Diet I feel deeply in my heart that the little girl who you met and hugged would not be as healthy as she is and excelling. When we left the NICU after months there, surgeries, G-tube, GERD, NEC infection her gut, I was told to place her in a home. I can’t stop. I wont. MY love for her pushes me through exhaustion, disappointment, and obstacles. I am not going away.
  • Esther Grondahl
    コメントした 2014-12-11 23:21:38 -0500
    You’re amazing, Zen. The hearing shows just how out of touch our representatives are with what the American people want, and that corporate interests are more important than citizens. Thank you for your dedication. We will win. It may take five years, but we will win.

