





Screen_Shot_2018- 03-14 _at_2。54.47 _PM.png3月 15, 2018、ミッションビエホカリフォルニア州-アルコール業界にとっては数年が経ちましたが、変化は醸造されています。 2015では、ロサンゼルス CBSニュースは、31ブランドのワインに対する訴訟の発表を破りました 高レベルの無機ヒ素用。 2016では、テストされた12カリフォルニアワインはすべてでした グリホサート除草剤に陽性であることがわかった。  2016で、 ドイツでのビールテスト また、独立したビールでさえ、テストされたすべてのサンプルでグリホサートの残留物が明らかになりました。ワイン醸造業者も醸造業者も同様に、オーガニックの需要の高まりに気づき始めました。ちょうど今週、 アンハイザーブッシュ 彼らのブランドミケロが発表した 新しいビールを発売しました ウルトラピュアゴールド 有機小麦で作られました。これらのイベントすべてに共通するものは何ですか?

モンサントの総まとめ。 Screen_Shot_2018- 02-27 _at_7。07.21 _PM.png


How are they connected? If you remember, French scientist Seralini et al released shocking findings in January of 2018 that all the brands of the glyphosate-based Roundup they tested, over a dozen, had high levels of arsenic, over 5x the allowable limit. Roundup used in vineyards and sprayed on grains used in beer as a drying agent is appearing to be one of the major contributing factors of arsenic (and of course, glyphosate) residues in our wine and beer.

Today Moms Across America is releasing new findings of glyphosate in all of the most popular brands of wines in the world, most of which are from the US, and in batch test results in American beer. The findings were at first, confusing. But one thing that was clear was that the beer and wine industries must and in many cases are, moving away from Monsanto’s Roundup in order to avoid contamination by this chemical herbicide, a known neurotoxin, carcinogen, and endocrine disruptor, which causes liver disease. Despite Monsanto’s impassioned appeal of “irreparable harm”, CA federal Judge Shubb allowed glyphosate to remain on the CA Prop 65 carcinogen list in a ruling out just two weeks ago.


Full lab report can be found here.





有効グリホサートレベル(ng / ml)PPBグリホサート+ AMPA


























































Although 12 California wines were previously tested and found to be positive for glyphosate in 2016, the methodology was criticized to be possibly inaccurate and the brand names were not revealed to Moms Across America or the public. Moms Across America followed up by sending the world’s top 8 most popular conventional wines plus two brands of popular organic wines to be tested with the more widely accepted “Gold Standard” testing - HPLC mass spectronomy testing. The results confirmed similar findings to the previous testing conducted with Elisa methodology testing. Two samples from different lots were tested of the same type of wine resulting in levels between .038 ppb to 23.30 ppb of glyphosate in all of the 10 wines. The brands tested and their highest detectable levels were: Beringer - 9.45 ppb, Hardy’s Whiskers Blake,- 4.33 ppb, Sutter Home - 15.80 ppb, Yellow Tail - 10.24 ppb, Robert Mondavi - 4.87 ppb, Gallo Family Vineyard - 23.30 ppb, Conch y Toro - 16.56 ppb, Barefoot - 18.68 ppb, Mendoza (organic) - 3.42 ppb, Bonterra (organic) - .38 ppb.

これらのブランドの多くは、ヒ素を含む訴訟のリストに含まれています。 MAAプロジェクトでは2本のボトルのみがテストされており、これらのブランドのすべてのワインが汚染されているわけではないことに注意してください。

Screen_Shot_2018- 03-14 _at_3。40.15 _PM.png植物病理学者のドン・フーバー博士によると、ブドウの木が休眠している間に雑草防除のために列の間にグリホサートベースの除草剤を噴霧する慣行は、植物、ブドウ、およびワインに存在するグリホサートの取り込みを引き起こしています。ザ・ 全国平均より高い乳がん カリフォルニアのワイン産地では、かなりの懸念のさらに多くの理由が示されています。また、有機ワインの汚染も気になります。有機ブドウ栽培者はグリホサート除草剤を使用していませんが、グリホサートを使用している近隣のブドウ園や農場から、、灌漑用水、漂流のいずれかの影響を受けているようです。

Many grape growers do not use glyphosate herbicides, however. “I haven’t used RoundUp since 1977,” said Phil Coturri, the Sonoma vineyard* manager who was recognized by the Golden Gate Salmon Association for his environmentally-sound viticulture. “You can’t constantly use a product and think that it’s not going to have an effect. Glyphosate is something that’s made to kill.”

Phil LaRocca of LaRocca Vineyards**, who farms organically and has shown a non-detectable level of glyphosate in his wine, has stated, “Grape growers have admitted to me that they use Roundup for cosmetic reasons. It’s not necessary.”

A French study revealed in February of 2018 that the majority of the subjects could taste pesticides and preferred organic wines. Many vineyards are seeing the benefit to making the shift. According to author Pam Strayer of Viewpoint - Wines &Vines:

Screen_Shot_2018- 03-14 _at_3。45.19 _PM.png「輸入された有機ワインはすでにアメリカの消費者にその名を刻んでいます。 2016では、有機ワインは体積で11%増加しました。輸入された有機ワインは14%成長し、アメリカの有機生産者の7%の2倍になりました。外国の有機ワインの収益は、国内の有機ワインの収益よりも増加し、ドルで14%の成長をもたらしました(国内の9%に対して)。


「スペインは有機栽培のワインの27%を生産しています(世界のワイン全体の14%に対して)。 Agence Bio 2014とWineInstituteの統計によると、フランスは22%(全体で17%)、イタリアは22%(全体で16%)です。それに比べて、米国は有機ラベルワインの2%未満を製造しています(全体で11%)。」



Large Conventional beer brands:  Anheuser Busch Busch Light, Coors Light The Silver Bullet Beer, Anheuser Busch Busch Light, Anheuser Busch Natural Ice Lager, Anheuser Busch - Bud Light Platinum beer, Budweiser 'America E Pluribus Unum' beer, Budweiser Bud Light Lager Beer, Anheuser Busch Busch Light, Anheuser Busch  Busch Beer, Anheuser Busch Bud Lite Lime, Coors Brewing Co. Banquet Beer, Anheuser Busch Natural Light Beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, Coors Brewing Co. Keystone Light Beer, Michelob Ultra Light Beer, Miller Brewing Co. Limited Edition Lite, Miller Brewing Co. High Life, Blue Moon Brewing Co. Belgian White and Belgian-Style Wheat Ale, Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy Weiss Beer.

Independent- Samuel Adams Octoberfest Hearty & Smooth Marzen, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Pale Ale Handcrafted Ale, Yuengling Traditional Lager Original Amber Beer.

USDA Organic- Samuel Smith USDA Organic Pale Ale, Eel River Brewing Co. Porter,


Screen_Shot_2018- 03-15 _at_8。22.58 _AM.png


What do these results mean? The tests indicate that independent beer and organic beers have higher levels of glyphosate than conventional beer. It was presumed that the glyphosate levels in conventional beer companies would be higher than independent or organic beers, but inquiries into the big beer company manufacturing process reveals a possible explanation. Conventional companies tend to use cheaper ingredients which include rice, instead of barley, oats, rye, and wheat. Hulled white rice is expected to have far lower levels of glyphosate residues than whole barley, oats, and malt which have been sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent just before harvest.

Screen_Shot_2018- 03-14 _at_3。42.51 _PM.png独立した有機ビール会社は、大麦、オート麦、ライ麦、小麦などのより高価な成分を使用する傾向がありますが、これらの成分は、洗い流さない乾燥剤としてグリホサートを噴霧する慣行のため、はるかに高いレベルのグリホサート除草剤の残留物。

Moms AcrossAmericaのエグゼクティブディレクターであるZenHoneycutt氏は、次のように述べています。メーカーがブランドの完全性を保護し、健康なアメリカ人をサポートしたいのであれば、今こそEPAがグリホサートのライセンスを取り消すことを要求する時です。」


The Brewers Association, which certifies small independent and craft beers, gave this statement regarding the results, "Brewers do not want glyphosate used on barley or any brewing raw material, and the barley grower organizations have also come out strongly against glyphosate. It is clear that the malting and brewing industries are aligned in their opposition to the use of glyphosate on malting barley. Also, note that products containing glyphosate are not labeled for use on malting barley in the U.S. and as such is prohibited. Our supply chain specialist, Chris Swersey, is well versed in agricultural science, chemistry and strives to keep glyphosate or GMOs out of barley breeding and growing best practices. If there is glyphosate showing up in trace amounts in any beer samples, it is almost certainly coming from use on previous crops grown on the same piece of land." Glyphosate has been shown to remain in the soil for many years, but hope is not lost, new studies also show that removing the herbicides from the soil with mushroom remediation, is possible.

Although glyphosate herbicide proponents will claim that these levels are far below the EPA standards, implying these levels are safe, the EPA allowable residue levels simply are insufficient and do not take into account important studies.

Recent research shows that glyphosate bioaccumulates, therefore any level of glyphosate in our food or drink is of great concern. An alarming study by Thongprakaisang revealed that 1 part per trillion (ppt) has been shown to stimulate the growth of breast cancer. 1 ppt is equivalent to one drop in 20 Olympic sized swimming pools. Other studies reveal that, at very low levels, glyphosate is a neurotoxin, causes birth defects, damage to testes, and increases rates of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Over 1000 plaintiffs have filed lawsuits against Monsanto, a leading manufacturer of glyphosate.

Screen_Shot_2018- 03-14 _at_3。48.03 _PM.png事実は、世界中で、消費者はほとんどすべてのアルコール飲料を期待する必要があることを示す証拠があり、以前のテストによると、 オレンジジュース、小麦ベースの食品、オート麦、豆、エンドウ豆、お茶、蜂蜜、卵 さらに、グリホサート系除草剤で汚染されます。グリホサートは、テストされた食品の大部分だけでなく、 水道水, 流れ、土、そして雨。 研究によると、除草剤や農薬は次の目的で移動するため、有機作物と共存することはできません。 雨雲の中の千マイル。

This widespread contamination of glyphosate herbicides is impacting not only business decisions, but our population’s health as well.  In America 1 out of 2 males and 1 out of 3 females are expected to get cancer, 1 out of 5 have mental illness, many struggle with infertility, sterility and infant death and our health care costs are crippling. Just this week, a new study revealed that maternal exposure to glyphosate showed significantly higher rates of shortened gestation. Prematurely born babies are at significant risk of infant death. In America, according to the Save the Children report of 2013,  the US has 50% more infant deaths on day one of life than all of the other developed countries combined. Could this be due to the widespread use and contamination of Roundup? Studies point to yes. If American policymakers want to protect current and future generations, and lower the health care costs, eliminating the use of glyphosate herbicides would be a logical step to take.

The EPA is currently accepting comments on the re-registration or denial of the license for glyphosate for another 15 years until 4月 30, 2018.




  • 有機研究所
    @organicinst このページへのツイートされたリンク。 2019-02-28 16:01:58 -0500
    ワイン中のヒ素?ミケロブはオーガニックに移行しますか?アルコール業界が変化を遂げている理由 https://www.momsacrossamerica.com/arsenic_in_wine_michelob_moves_to_organic_why_the_alcohol_industry_is_making_changes?recruiter_id=180042
  • ジェニファー・パッサヴァント
    コメントした 2018-06-10 11:30:10 -0400
  • パム・ストレイヤー
    コメントした 2018-03-29 17:29:20 -0400
    I wish you would also post the REAL danger – which is in the grain based products. They have 1,000 times more glyphosate than an organically grown wines.

    It’s impossible, given that glyphosate is in the air and water, for most organic vintners to go below 1 ppb.

    It’s more responsible to put the risk in context. People should still enjoy wine. They should buy organically grown wines, because obviously they have a LOT less glyphosate since they are NOT allowed to use it.

    But if it’s in the rain and the water, we can’t expect producers to have zero. These limits of detection are very, very low. Labs in California can’t even detect below 5 ppb, for instance.

    Meanwhile Cheerios has 1,125 ppb. Let’s put the risks in context.
  • ロバートアンジェリーノ
    コメントした 2018-03-28 13:44:10 -0400
    We were Warned when flocks of birds fell from the sky but the FDA leader the former president of Monsanto lead the flock to tell the Public everything was alright including his bank account. then the courts stepped in and backed Monsanto when their products cross pollinated a farmers crop and he was found guilty and had to pay Monsanto? Take every cent of their profit to pay for the health problems they caused and every cent of their investment also and for god’s sake stop this new GMO Fruit they are trying to release they have already shown they have no proper safety rules in place and they have also shown that they caused the Bee colony problems but they walk without punishment? Government before you have no one left to govern stop these Greedy Cretins.
  • ジョン・アブラハムソン
    コメントした 2018-03-27 23:50:18 -0400
    Jon and Zen,
    The test strips for glyphosate are the ABRAXIS serological test. They have one for both glyphosate and AMPA, the first degradation product. The reason they were backlogged is that desiccation of the barley with glyphosate for harvest greatly increases the amount of glyphosate in the malt barley grain (the only active physiological ‘sink’ for this systemic chemical to accumulate in). The levels of glyphosate were high enough that glyphosate’s antibiotic activity killed the yeast fermenting the grain for brewing so they were having to test every load brought in for processing. That was three moves back for me so I don’t know the reference, but Howard Viewer probably does if you need one.
  • ジョエルサグコム
    コメントした 2018-03-27 16:27:41 -0400
  • ジョン・アブラハムソン
    コメントした 2018-03-16 03:42:08 -0400

