
AquaTru - カウンタートップ逆浸透 - MOMS を使用すると 10% オフになります
通常価格 $ 374.00きれいな飲料水は宝物です。みんな欲しい!ただし、入手するのは簡単ではりません。 AquaTruはあなたのためにそれを変えたいと思っています。この4ステップの逆浸透精製システムにより、誰にとってもスムーズでシンプルなプロセスになります。複雑な配管や設置作業は必要ありません。キッチンのカウンターやテーブルの小さなスペースを空けて、始めましょう。
包括的な浄水器プロセスは、ボタンを押すだけで浄化された飲料水を提供するために何百万もの汚染物質を取り除きます。 AquaTruは難しい部分を実行するため、必要なときにきれいな飲料水を手軽に用意できます。ィルターも簡単にねじることができ、最長2年持続します。セットアップとアクセスがとてもシンプルでアクセスしやすいので、これはすべての家庭にあるべきシステムです。徹底的な逆浸透プロセスで何ができるかは信じられないほどです。美味しい違いを味わってください!
AquaTruの独占的な特許出願中のTruPureテクノロジーは、Water andWellnessの創設者であるRobertSlovakが開発し、すべての主要なボトルブランドで使用されているものと同じ逆浸透テクノロジーを小型化し、コンパクトなカウンタートップ浄水器に初めて導入しました。

AquaTru Glass Carafe - Countertop Reverse Osmosis
通常価格 $ 299.00Glass Carafe
You asked and we listened. Made from durable and strong borosilicate glass, you can pour with ease or store our thoughtfully designed glass carafe in the fridge for chilled water on hand.
Purchase an additional glass carafe to double your capacity.
Advanced 4-Stage Purification System
AquaTru’s patented Ultra Reverse Osmosis Technology provides powerful, 4-stage purification performance that substantially reduces virtually all toxic chemicals out of your tap water.
4-Stage Ultra Reverse Osmosis Purification Process
1. Mechanical Pre-Filter: Removes sediment and cloudiness (turbidity) from water.
2. Activated Carbon Pre-Filter: Removes chlorine and chloramines.
3. High-Efficient Reverse Osmosis Filter: Removes toxic inorganic contaminants including Lead and Chromium 6
4. Activated Coconut Shell Carbon VOC Filter: Removes toxic organic chemicals, which ensures great tasting water.
New! Maintenance Alert
If your AquaTru filtering time and flow rate slow to a level that requires descaling maintenance, your AquaTru will let you know, so you can keep your pure water flowing efficiently and maintain product care.
New! Manually Reset Filters
Need to change your filter ahead of schedule? Whether you’re changing your filters a little earlier than when your filter reset light comes on or you have to replace your RO filter a little earlier as part of descaling maintenance, now you can easily reset the filter for more accurate filter tracking. Follow detailed instructions in our manual.
Easy-to-Use and Maintain: No plumbing or installation required--just plug in and start purifying. Our filter indicator lights take any guesswork out of when to change your filters, and filter replacements are easy. No expensive plumbers or tools needed.
Deliciously Healthy Water: AquaTru water is free of virtually all toxic chemicals so that all you’re left with is water so pure, great tasting water.
Cost-Saving + Sustainable: By avoiding bottled water and creating your own purified water, you not only reduce single-use plastic waste in our environment, but AquaTru’s long-lasting filters also add up to significant savings over the life of the product.
Compact and Portable: With a compact footprint, AquaTru can sit easily on your counter or under any standard kitchen cabinet. With no installation or plumbing required, you can take AquaTru with you if you move.
Efficient: Reverse osmosis technology uses high pressure to force water through a fine, semi-permeable membrane that filters out most contaminants. The result of this process produces a certain amount of “waste water”, which contains a high concentration of those rejected contaminants. In standard under-the-sink reverse osmosis systems, for every 1 gallon of pure water produced, around 4 gallons of waste water goes straight down the drain. AquaTru does things differently. AquaTru is 4x more efficient, creating very little waste water that can even be used for watering your lawn.
• Dimensions: 13” (H) x 14” (D) x 7.5” (W)
• Weight: 9 lbs
• Tap Water Tank Capacity: 2.5 L
• Clean Water Glass Carafe Capacity: 0.5 Gal/1.9L/64 oz.
• Input Power: 120-volt AC wall plug
• Filtration Time: 0.5 gallon of water in 10 to 15 minutes